Here is what is happening this week at… SHANKILLL COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP Monday 20th 8 am Pray for the Shankill! (Anyone can join us who wants to pray for the Shankill!) 11-2 Drop-in (come for tea, coffee, prayer or chat!) Tuesday 21st 10-12 IMPACT Games morning for men 7pm Bible study for men & women Wednesday 22nd 10am Staurros group (Pamela …
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Tuesday night Bible Study got under way again after the summer. Christianity Explained Course started on Wednesday night – Really encouraged that 16 people turned up!! A great evening!! On Sunday Amy told us about her time in Uganda. Kim gave her a verse of scripture and prayed with her as she heads off to Lancaster University to study. It …
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Eric celebrated his 6?th Birthday at the drop-in this week! It was amazing to see the room upstairs well filled with people on Sunday morning – hard to believe that we started out just this time last year!! GOD is GOOD!! The Greenisland Group provided the music and Paul Silcock sang some challenging songs. We gave the centre a good …
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Great to have most people back – We celebrated Darren’s 13th Birthday after church on Sunday. The Team met all day on Tuesday with Gordon Darragh and Philip Brown from Baptist Missions to plan and pray for the next year of the work. We are making prayer a priority – meeting every Monday morning at 8.00 a.m. if you want …
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Holidays have kept us from updating the blog – But ‘We’re back!!’ Brian took the Sunday services for the past 4 weeks and held the fort while the rest of us took some time out. The Drop-in continued to be busy with a lot of the young people about because of the school holidays. Our New Dart-Board became the centre …
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The Girls are back from Capernwray – They had a fantastic time!! Darren celebrated his ??th Birthday!! We needed a quiet/ private place to enable us to counsel and pray with people – So Harry built a stud wall across an enclave and Darren papered it – Voila!! We have it!! A Friend provided a desk and chair!! God is …
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Quiet week – Walk for Life on Wednesday – Got good coverage in the latest edition of The Shankill Mirror All our musicians on holiday – so had to sing without music at the service!! Sounded pretty good!! Had the service downstairs because there were so many away – but surprised by the number who turned up!! God is Good!! …
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Busy week with the Baptist Youth Evangelism Team – They were out on ‘The Road’ doing questionnaires every morning as well as helping at the drop-in. An open-air children’s five day club was held in Ashmore every afternoon. Monday night was ‘neighbours’ night at Kim’s house – where neighbours were invited in to meet the team – have supper and …
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Drop in really busy this week – seems that the word about us is spreading!! BYE (Baptist Youth Evangelism) Team arrived for tea on Saturday. 7 in the Team from Carrickfergus, Bangor, Donemana, Lisburn and Armagh. The Team took the Sunday morning service – They even provided the music! And Davy preached a challenging and relevant message from Psalm 1. …
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Had our first ‘open’ Bible Study’ On Tuesday night. Open = Open to male and female and Christians and non-Christians. We are following the ‘Stranger on the Road to Emmaus’ course – A Brilliant time with good participation On Wednesday Pamela Brown from the Stauros Foundation began a group meeting for ladies with addiction problems – They will meet every …
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