Sad week – Stephen Robinson (pictured below) – one of the regulars at the drop-in and a well known character on the Shankill Road was found dead in his home. On the other hand we had a great Family Service this morning (Sun 11th April) with music help by a group from Greenisland Baptist. The place was packed!! Wee Abbie …
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Showed the Christianity Explored DVD on the crucifixion at the drop-in on Thursday. Great attention and conversation. Took the Youth Club to W5 on Friday – They had a real ball!! Amazing just to see the group of young people that God has given us already. Packed lunch went down a treat!! On Saturday the centre was opened for a …
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Kim had us all for a ‘house warming’ – to view Kelly’s Castle!! Plenty of food as usual for SCF events!! Highlight of the week was having John and Sharon back at the Drop-in after both spending some time in hospital!! GOD ANSWERS PRAYER!!
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Mothers Day on Sunday. Sharon made lovely little gifts for all the Ladies and Amy and Lauren gave them out at the service. Numbers were small at the Youth Club this week – But God had worked it out that it meant more freedom to talk to the kids. Discovered that most had no Bibles in their home – so …
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Had a review of what we have been doing over the past six months and decided to concentrate on the things that are going well – The Drop – in ministry, after schools club, Tuesday night Bible study, Youth Club and Sunday morning Service. Dropping Sunday evenings for the present and going to take some initiatives in ministry to men. …
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Busy week – Derek at Pastor’s Conference – Kim & Sharon doing deputation meetings and we managed to keep everything else going!! We had a Team from Capernwray Hall at the Youth Club. Some of our ‘Teens’ interested in going there in July – This will probably mean another sleepover to raise funds for them!!
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Took the Kids on an outing to ‘Auntie Sandra’s’ Candy Factory this week. They really enjoyed seeing the sweets and lollipops being made. Making their own Candy Floss was a great treat for some of the leaders as well as the children! Watch the diet Sharon!!
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Had a visit from some Ladies from Carryduff Baptist this week. Also had some clothes etc. given to us – So we opened a ‘Sharing Shop’ corner in the Unit – where everything is FREE!! – Then on Thursday decided to Trail the Clothing rails out onto ‘the Road’ Amazing opportunities to chat and give away stuff!!
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This week we had another WWW (Women Witnessing to Women) event. A ‘Traybake’ demo where they got to eat the results of the Demo accompanied by real Coffee!! Shiela got frustrated with the Wii at the after schools club!! We had our first Youth Club on Friday with 24 Secondary School Kids attending – Really well behaved and listened attentively …
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Drop – in really busy this week!! Had the Lord’s Table for the first time on Sunday morning – really special time!!
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