We entered 3 teams in the local Community Quiz – Needless to say we didn’t win – but the ‘craic’ was good. did You know that Hitlars’ dog was called Blondie or that a baby rat is a kitten?? Sunday was our Family Carol Service and there was a ‘full house’ – The Kids from the After Schools club took …
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Snow and ice all around meant a decrease in numbers – But we had a good service and Brian challenged us about being ‘The salt of the earth and the light of the world’ Next Sunday Claire and Co from Moira helped with the music – a big thank you to them. At the drop – in Sharon did …
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The WWW event was opened up for MEN!! There was a great turnout. Mike Williams from the ‘Stauros’ Foundation spoke about what life was like growing up as the child of an addict and how ultimately ‘JESUS’ made the difference! Jonathan Sanlon visited at the drop-in to take some footage for a DVD for Baptist Missions. Laura and Hannah did …
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The After Schools Club is in full swing again! Sunday morning was our ‘Family Service’ and we had a great turnout !! The Kids were great – reciting Psalm 23 and singing!! First attempt at posting video – Hope it works!! Went to Parkview Nursing Home in the evening and had a service for the residents – Really appreciated both …
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Got the ‘logo’ on the bus – taxed and insured it – ready for the road!! Baptist Missions implemented their new policy for Volunteers and we are grateful to The Lord for the appointment of Darren and Raymond this week. ‘YOUR KINGDOM COME’
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Big event this week was the WWW = Women Witnessing to Women meeting where Catherine Campbell told her story. A great sense of God’s presence! And plenty of food as well!! Leah is a student at Belfast Bible College and has come to us as part of her training placement this year. We are having a problem with lack of …
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BREAKING NEWS!! GOD HAS LED US TO THE BUS HE HAD FOR US!! There were a lot of excited people anxious to get in for a ride when it arrived at the drop-in!! We also finished our Christianity Explained Course on Wednesday – with a ‘Chinese’ A great time of fellowship! OUR GOD IS REAL! – ‘O MAGNIFY THE LORD …
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We had a capacity crowd at our Praise service this week! Tracy & Co From Greenisland led us in our praise Paul Sicock and Gary Mc Dowell were our guest singers and Richard Garnham from Moira was our speaker. The SCF crowd sang ‘Thank you Jesus’ – Debbie gave her testimony and Raymond spoke about volunteering The offering of over …
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Great to see the attendance at all the activities keeping up, particularly the Bible Study and the Christianity Explained Course. This is Raymond and he has been helping us in various ways – doing our accounts – and helping in the drop-in, Bible Study and Christianity Explained course. We rejoiced with the Angels in heaven again this week as Kirsty …
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In addition to the regular programme Kim and Brian went into Malvern school this week for the S U and also for the breakfast club. Pray for the children and young people of the Shankill. Sadly, suicide is a continuing problem in this community. FASA held a vigil on Wednesday night to increase suicide awareness. Some of the families affected …
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