We had our first ‘Games Night’ on Saturday 24th January – great turnout and atmosphere! All the ‘brainy ones’ played Scrabble! All the ‘Big Kids’ played ‘Jenga’ Those with a ‘mis-spent’ youth played Pool! The ‘Hyperactive’ played the Wii Everyone had a great time! The night finished with a talk on ‘The Rich Young Ruler’ everybody stayed around for Hot …
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On Saturday morning 16th January we had a training day led by Ken Meldrum and Julie Fenton from CEF. As part of the Sunday morning service the children heard the story of Helen Cadbury!! and we finished up with hot chocolate complete with cream and marshmallows mmmmmmmmmmm!!! This week The Lord provided an Air hockey/football/games table and a new Pool …
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Drop in and After Schools club back to ‘full swing’ this week. Sharon showed us all how to make ‘top hats’ and then we ate them!! Kim and Abbie got really ‘serious’ about the Wii And the two Davids had a relax on the sofa!! We are going to celebrate ‘The Lord’s Table’ for the first time in Shankill Community …
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At our first Sunday morning service in 2010 we adopted this Motto for the year – It was also encouraging to have a visit from Sharon Campbell and some friends from Magherafelt Sunday evening turned out to be a surprise 70th birthday party for GUESS WHO?? Afterwards we showed Louis Giglio’s DVD entitled ‘ Indescribable’ And that just about sums …
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Finished the year off with a ‘Praise and Thanks Day’ on Sunday 27th December. A group from Carrickfergus – Led by Dave Ramsey came and led our praise in the evening – it was great!! The place was alive ‘with the sound of music’ and praise to God for all that He has done since we started in September.
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We had our Christmas Carol Service on Sunday morning 20th December – With all the snow around we wondered if anyone would turn up – What a surprise – the place was packed with over 50 people there! The children took part by singing and reading. We were privileged to have Ruth St John as our guest singer and her …
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Another step along the way to making the unit more suited to our needs. The Folding doors between the main meeting place and ‘the room’ got finished – a great job – Thanks to Albert and Friends!! This is Graham putting the finishing touches to the paint job! Stephen – one of our regulars at the drop in – posing …
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This was a busy week – on top of all the ongoing ministries we had our Christmas dinner. This was the first time we used the conference facility upstairs and it was great to have it filled with over 80 people having a full sit down Christmas dinner on Wednesday evening! We spent the afternoon getting the room ready. some …
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This was WWW (Women Witnessing to Women) week and there was a great turnout on Wednesday night. Betty Baxter gave a demonstration of Christmas Flower arrangements . Valerie Ramsey told her story and related how God had helped her through the loss of her husband.It was both an enjoyable …
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We agreed that at sometime in the future we would need to take down the stud wall to make more room for special events! But Kim and Albert took the head staggers and like the walls of Jericho – It all came tumbling down!! WE HAVE PLENTY OF ROOM NOW!!
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