Went to Parkview nursing home for our evening service – Kim led us in singing some old-time choruses and hymns One of the residents treated us to a solo of ‘when I’ve passed the last milestone’ Both staff and residents appreciated the service – we plan to do this every month. ‘Jesus said – ‘come to me all you who …
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We held our Baptismal service in Tennant Street Baptist Church on Tuesday night – The ground floor was full of people – friends and families of those being baptised and people form the Shankill area. Brian led the service – We had a great time of praise – The candidates were interviewed by Kim – Albert preached. And then Belle …
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WWW (Women Witnessing to Women) This week – Man free Zone!! They had a great time looking at the reason for SCF and some pictures from the archives – doing a quiz !! – and of course – FOOD!! Reuben celebrated his birthday on Sunday!! His big sister brought in the cake – AAAAWWWWWW!!!! ‘ Remember your creator in the …
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Great News – This week God saved Angela! And then He saved Aggie!! ‘SALVATION BELONGS TO OUR GOD!’ Rev 7:10
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The After Schools Club trip had to be postponed because of the snow before Christmas – So this week they went Ice Skating at the Ice Bowl. It Looks like they enjoyed ‘Mc Donalds’ afterwards more than the skating!! Jesus said ‘ Let the little children come to me’
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We all went to support Rob and Minty at their Baptism in Carryduff A GREAT NIGHT & A GREAT WITNESS ‘To obey is better than sacrifice’
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Despite the snow and ice we went out onto the Road and parked the bus in the Co-op Car park (kindly permitted) and gave away Tea, Coffee, shortbread and mince pies!! Big job to keep the milk from freezing in the back of the bus!! We gave out 1,000 of these booklets and flyers explaining the true message of Christmas. …
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We braved the snow and went to ‘The Maples’ and ‘Parkview’ Nursing Homes and held a Carol Service in each of them. The Residents and staff really appreciated our visit – We are planning to go to ‘Parkview’ to hold a Sunday Evening Service on a monthly basis. Albert Mc Donald spoke on both occasions and we are grateful to …
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Christmas Dinner this week – Over 80 people came – We got the Caterers in this year and they did a great job!! ‘Slemish’ Provided the music and we had a bit of a ‘Hooley’ afterwards! ! A Couple of ‘Random’ strangers appeared near the end – No prizes for guessing who they were!!! ‘When the time had fully come, …
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