Category : Uncategorized

Finished the ‘Freedom in Christ’ Course with a chinese feast!!  Cracked open the ‘piggy bottle!’ and had a counting party at the drop-in – There was £203 in it!!! Morgan celebrated her birthday on Sunday in the usual way – we go through a lot of cakes and candles!! ‘Whoever The Son sets free is free indeed’

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May’s ?? th Birthday this week!! Had a lovely time at Parkview Nursing Home – Met the famous ‘Uncle Jimmy’  Raymond spoke from Numbers 6:24-26 ‘The Lord bless you and keep you, The Lord make his face shine upon you… be gracious to you .. turn his face towards you and give you peace’

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Kim had ANOTHER birthday cake at the last WWW Walk4Life!! The One Way Club finally got their outing to Indianaland!! They had a ball expending their energy while the leaders sat around drinking coffee!! Sorting out who owned which shoes at the end was great fun!!! ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’

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The Keep Fit/Zumba/Slimming classes are going well! SOOOO!!!! Well that KIM & LAUREN have lost 3 STONES in weight between them!!! We had a special visitor at the drop-in – imagine a cow getting lost on the shankill road!! We had a birthday cake for Kim & Katie after church on Sunday – of course Jeffrey had to help blow …

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God at work !! – Kim had the joy of leading 3 people to The Lord this week!! Ever heard of the Shankill Gold Rush?? Billy Stevenson was the boy who found the gold and started the Gold Rush!! He spoke at our family service and as well as telling us about finding the gold he told us how he …

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Had a visit from Jim and Eleanor Murdoch at the Sunday Service – Great to see people who take an interest in the work at SCF!! We Gave out 500 flyers for the Family service to take place on Sunday 12th June ‘God’s reputation is twenty-four carat gold’ Ps 19 vs 10 (The message)

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Went to Parkview Nursing home again for the Sunday evening service – Everyone really enjoyed it! WWW. Walk for Life started on Wednesday And Eleanor Gaston explained all about calories and healthy eating – excercise etc.! The Healthy food!! – The unhealthy food is under the silver foil – or out of the picture!! I also heard that some ladies …

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Usual big turnout at family service – Roy and Pamela Brown from Stauros shared their story of God’s Grace in their lives. ‘One Way Club’ outing on Friday – to Indiana Land had to be cancelled because Belfast was gridlocked because of multiple bomb scares. They had to make do with Fish suppers in Beatties!!! ‘He is able to save …

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Ivan celebrated his birthday this week!  He is definitely not 50!! Its just that these were the only candles we had!! We had a visit from ‘Pleun’ a member of the Cork church  – originally from the Netherlands. He was up for the Association Council meetings – Had read about SCF in the Insight Magazine and decided to look us …

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This was the BIG WWW – WEEKEND!!! Picture of all the ladies in group mode below! This was a ‘male free’ event – So I can’t possibly comment on it – SO C’MON YOU LADIES – POST YOUR COMMENTS ON THE WEEKEND AND TELL THE WORLD WHAT IT WAS LIKE!!! ‘ A WOMAN WHO FEARS THE LORD IS TO BE …

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